red rag


red rag 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. something that arouses anger; a provocation; red flag: A mere mention of the incident is a red rag to him.

red rag 近义词

red rag

等同于 red flag

更多red rag例句

  1. Then Ziegler tosses the buff LaBeouf around like a rag doll.
  2. Former Red Sox star Curt Schilling says his politics are keeping him out of Cooperstown.
  3. Nor does the jet have the ability to capture high-definition video, utilize an infra-red pointer.
  4. There was deep brown flesh, and bronze flesh, and pallid white flesh, and flesh turned red from the hot sun.
  5. A Republican candidate hoping to win red state support could find a worse team to root for than one from Dallas.
  6. Beginners must be warned against mistaking the edges of cells, or particles which have retained the red stain, for bacilli.
  7. Under the internal pressure his whiskers stood on end and his face grew red.
  8. “You appear to feel it so,” rejoined Mr. Pickwick, smiling at the clerk, who was literally red-hot.
  9. Ripperda's eye fell upon the mantle,—it was discoloured a dark red in many places, he nodded his head, and the man withdrew.
  10. C was a Captain, all covered with lace; D was a drunkard, and had a red face.